University of the West of England
Student rating
This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
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Nieve Brown
2 reviews

Psychology BSc (Hons)

University rating (4)

It is a very good university, and I have no complaints. The services are all good, some of the buildings are slightly older and run down but otherwise the services are good. Nice campus and surrounding area, good student support.

Reviewed: 16 December 2024
Max Giles Nkonge
1 review

Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies BEng (Hons)

University rating (5)

I like the uwe move program.

Reviewed: 05 December 2024
Yanlei Li
1 review

Robotics MSc

University rating (4)

Everything is fine. Just hoping we can meet the immigration adviser more convenient!

Reviewed: 05 December 2024
1 review

Biomedical Science MSc/PGDip

University rating (5)

I have completed both my BSc and MSc in Biomedical Science at this university and can say I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of this university. As I have graduated from both courses, this review will be based on the combination of both courses. This review will primarily focus on Frenchay campus based on the academic year of 2023-2024. Facilities: The facilities at UWE are amazing, providing you with everything needed to perform on your course and excel in it. The library has several floors with different bookable rooms in, of which some of the floors are group study floors and others are silent study, providing everyone a means of studying however they please, in groups or in silence. There are also several computer facilities around the campus, with all computers providing access 24/7 including having access to rooms outside of working hours, I particularly liked using the top floor of Q Block personally as, you could use the facilities if you wish, so long as you use your student ID to gain access to the building out of hours, otherwise you can't gain access. Location: The university's location is prime. If you live on campus, you have access to several student friendly shops, including a Lidl, Asda, Sainsburys, Poundland etc... all within a 15 minute walk (20 if walking back as it's on top of a steep hill) of the main campus (Frenchay). The university has access to many buses providing access to many different areas, including buses direct to town, taking only 15 minutes with no traffic and coming every 10-15 minutes as well as other buses. Student Support: The university's staff were IMPECIBLE and I couldn't flaw them. If I needed support, they would respond no questions asked and assist me in my studies whilst also helping promote independence by giving me the boost needed to believe in myself and produce the best work possible. Don't get me wrong, the work was definitely not easy but university is not meant to be, it is up to you to produce the best work possible but the university provides you with everything you need and more! Campus look and feel: The university is large and modern for the most part, the oldest building is 30 years old but a large portion of the buildings have been build recently as of this review. Admittedly based on this, don't go looking for retro buildings like old churches as this university is too modern for that. It is however very inviting easily navigable with maps everywhere. Student Life: This I admit I can't comment much on, specifically because I spent my time studying and not partying (mostly), however, the campus has everything you need and whatever you don't have on campus, can easily be obtained nearby. The Student Union's bar is a great place to meet up and get a drink and something to eat as well as multiple cafes and eateries dotted around town, catering to all diets, including an all vegan cafe (yes you must try the smoothies) in S Block. There are sporting facilities as well, providing an affordable gym as well as nearby tennis courts, hockey, volleyball etc... Students Union: Admittedly I can't comment much on this I didn't frequent it very much but they SU shop provides you with the essentials needed, plus stationary, a place to sit down a chill, a bar with food and drink as well as a very helpful front desk for all your enquiries needed! When I was there, the SU also provided free meals for those who needed it on specific days a week at about 6pm as part of the cost of living crisis. Nothing particularly fancy but a meal is a meal, normally consisting of Mac n Cheese, Sweet and Sour chicken and rice etc... Overall, I could not fault this university and would advice anyone to attend, particularly if taking Biomedical Science!

Reviewed: 29 November 2024
1 review

Architecture and Planning BA (Hons)

University rating (4)

It’s been a great journey, I'am happy with my choice wouldn’t change anything from my experience.

Reviewed: 28 November 2024
Jenelle Jade Ybanez
1 review

Nursing (Adult) BSc (Hons)

University rating (5)

Supportive and approchable staff Nice area in restaurant and coffee shop

Reviewed: 27 November 2024
1 review

Solicitors Training Course (SQE Prep) LLM

University rating (5)

Everything is good.

Reviewed: 27 November 2024
1 review

Solicitors Training Course (SQE Prep) LLM

University rating (5)

Amazing no improvement needed

Reviewed: 27 November 2024
Stewart Whitehouse
1 review

Advanced Practice MSc/PGDip/PGCert

University rating (3)

It's ok

Reviewed: 27 November 2024
Charley Webb
1 review

Law LLB (Hons)

University rating (5)

Best is the support Worst is too many events at the same time

Reviewed: 27 November 2024

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