Choosing a Uni

How many prospectuses do I need?

Want to make sure that your postperson doesn’t hate you while still getting enough information to make a decision about your future? Here are our top tips on figuring out how many prospectuses you need.

Eleni Cashell
by Eleni Cashell
Last Updated:
04 Jan 2024

Going to uni is a big (and expensive) deal. Choosing which one to go to is a big decision - so you want to do as much research as you can. Prospectuses can help with that.

That said, you don't want to spend hours of your life reading every single uni's prospectus - you'll literally go insane. Here's how to decide if it's worth ordering one.

Do they offer the course you want?

There’s no point ordering a prospectus from a university that doesn’t actually offer the course you want to study, or if it does, the modules are so far away from what you want to study the classes may as well be in outer space.  

If it doesn’t offer the basics, then a nice campus, modern facilities or a massive students’ union nightclub isn’t going to make a massive amount of difference to your final decision.

Likewise, if you want to learn about certain facilities, have specific training or go on a year-long work placement and there are universities that offer those things, hit that cheeky “order prospectus” button immediately!

Could you see them in your Final 5?

If you’ve either already given them a coveted place in your Final 5, or at least contemplating it, then it’s worth ordering their prospectus. After all, you’re clearly interested in them, you’ve got nothing to lose and it’ll help you decide if they really are the uni for you.

Would you meet their entry requirements?

If you’re feeling unsure about a uni, but you’re on track to meet the entry requirements, then it’s worth ordering their prospectus anyway. It’s always good to keep your options open and branch out to unis that at a glance don’t seem like something you’d usually consider but are asking for grades that look incredibly similar to what you’re being predicted. You never know, you could read their prospectus and find you’re a perfect match with more than just your exam results.

Although don’t just download prospectuses from universities that only match your predicted grades either. Why not order a few from unis that are asking slightly above what you’re expected? It’s always good to aim high!

Where do you want to live?

If you’ve got your heart set on studying in a particular area of the country, then ordering prospectuses from universities from around there should be your first step.

Get prospectuses from a range of universities from across the region though to give you the fullest picture possible. From the Russell Groups and high performers in the teaching excellence framework, to the ones based in the city centres, slightly more remote or even down by the beach, be open minded during your research. You’ll be surprised at the variety of places available to you within just a few miles of your dream location.

Will you be able to visit them?

If you’re interested in a university but don’t think you’ll be able to visit them, whether it’s due to location, expense or just a lack of time, then the prospectus will give you a basic overview of what you’ve missed out on at the open day.

Just be aware that university life isn’t all green campuses, sunny days and happy students like that prospectus can often portray… seriously the prospectus photographers never seem to turn up when it’s raining or when everyone’s stressed during exam time. so many smiling faces and so little caffeinated drinks around them…

And finally…

The final tip is simply if you aren’t sure whether to order a prospectus, just do it.

Even if it’s not what you’d usually look for in a uni, or in a completely different location to the one you had in mind, or even a completely different course to the one you were initially planning, what have you got to lose just by ordering a prospectus and opening your mind to the possibilities?

After all, it’s completely free and it’ll help give you the peace of mind you need when choosing your uni options.

Ready to order some prospectuses? You can either order them to your door or download them to your phone, right here!

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