Richmond American University London

Richmond American University London

E-Commerce Undergraduate Degrees (3 results)

  • Student rating
    This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
    (2.4) 8 reviews
  • Overview Big City / Campus

Considering attending Richmond American University London? Find out what their own students say about the place in these reviews...

Digital Marketing Extended Degree BA (Hons)

Richmond, The American International University In London

4 years full time

RF22 UCAS code
Entry requirements Please contact Uni directly

Digital Marketing (Sport Ed Ex) BA (Hons)

Richmond, The American International University In London

4 years full time

SP22 UCAS code
Entry requirements Please contact Uni directly

Digital Marketing (RIASA London) BA (Hons)

Richmond, The American International University In London

4 years full time

RL22 UCAS code
Entry requirements Please contact Uni directly