University of Greater Manchester
Student rating
This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
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Saphron Day
Aged 35-44 years
First gen student
2 reviews

PgDip Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies

University rating (5)

As a mature student I don't really experience student life likes the younger generation, however I'm happy with my university experience I this manner, regardless of age I truly feel welcomed at the university of Bolton and very supported.

Reviewed: 17 December 2024
Luke Horsman
1 review

Modelmaking and Creature Effects BA (Hons)

University rating (5)

Bolton university has amazing support for students, whether it be student services or the student unions. Our feedback feels heard and has affected how our course is taught to our benefit. There are a broad range of facilities at Bolton university, where we never find ourselves without the right equipment or space for us to be! Being located in the center of Bolton we almost never run out of places to explore or new experiences to enjoy. The look and feel of the university of Bolton is appealing and modern, but also feels scattered, as parts of the university are incredibly distant from one another. Overall, Bolton university is an amazing place to study where your feedback will be heard and you will never find yourself without the right facilities.

Reviewed: 13 November 2024
Palwasha Akram
Aged 18-24 years
1 review

Dental Technology BSc (Hons)

University rating (2)

Everyone is friendly and the environment is warming and welcoming. The Queens building is bit isolated and the theatre should be improved such as the seats being uncomfortable. The student union should be made of aware of more Events should take place for all students and not only for those in main campus as In, the timings of some events like sports are held when some students have lectures and lessons and lunch is also 30mins and even if the event is at lunch for an hour, it's not possible to attend as students have been given 30 mins. Furthermore, they aren't made widely aware of and also are only accessible to some students such as those at main campus.

Reviewed: 12 November 2024
Alexander Febvre
1 review

Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)

University rating (5)

The teaching is extremely high quality. Before coming to Bolton, I spent two years at Swansea University, and the quality of teaching at Bolton far exceeds Swansea. Largely due to financial issues, its difficult to properly experience the student life, though from other students whom are more active, it seems fairly lively. Being a first year degree apprentice, the pay is not great at £7.12 an hour, which had been a huge concern at multiple points during my time with the university, however, the support from the university and the lecturers has gone above and beyond for me. With regards to improvements, this could be done through simply making the course sign on process easier and more linear for apprentices, as currently the use of Aptem and Moodle as two separate methods of adding students to the course makes it quite convoluted. There is also an obscene number of papers to sign. Though, that being said, the university has consistently asked for feedback, and is seemingly taking on board students concerns, which is very positive. Bolton University is also located extremely ideally for students who travel in from around the UK, only a ten minute walk from the station. This convenience, and the plethora of local food shops and take aways make it very easy to keep a healthy lifestyle, even if you don't have time to make lunch in the mornings. Though my experience of Bolton university has been short, I am very excited with my future prospects and continuing my education at the university.

Reviewed: 12 November 2024
Kelly Prendergast
1 review

Nursing Associate FdSc

University rating (5)

There is so support for students

Reviewed: 12 November 2024
Hayley Tait
2 reviews

Nursing Associate FdSc

University rating (5)

The smaller class sizes makes it a great place to study. I think they could make an improvement on the buildings they already have before brand new buildings. The mental health and wellbeing area has been closed twice now due to weather, yet they've built a new building costing millions.

Reviewed: 24 October 2024
Elizabeth Spear
2 reviews

Biomedical Science with placement year BSc (Hons)

University rating (5)

I feel so proud and blessed to be at university of Bolton. It's a really great place to learn and I appreciate their support to make the study much easier. All staff are friendly and supportive. ☺️

Reviewed: 24 October 2024
Devika Ashish Dev
Aged 25-34 years
2 reviews

MSc Systems Engineering (Electronic) and Engineering Management

University rating (4)

Nothing..Everything is perfect.

Reviewed: 24 October 2024
1 review

Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)

University rating (5)

Good student support

Reviewed: 11 October 2024
Jamie Bow
1 review

Accountancy and Financial Management MSc

University rating (4)


Reviewed: 11 October 2024

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