Blackpool and the Fylde College
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32275 reviews

Fine Art and Professional Practice BA (Hons)

University rating (1)
Tell us about your overall college experience so far.

BA Hons This University made me despise my chosen subject, Fine Art. I started my time at Blackpool doing a Foundation degree. All was great and the teaching was superb, the year I was in was filled with lovely people and I took a huge interest in Fine Art. Fast forward and I wish I never saw another piece of art ever again. Instead of furthering our ability to draw and express ourselves, we're tasked with meaningless essay writing about the most pretentious subjects on this earth that mean absolutely nothing. One of our tutors is so up herself that she pushes all of her own agendas and blames her family for her failure as an artist, when there is clearly much more to it than that. We were sold into this course for its drawing and painting classes. Avoid this course if you want to become a fine artist. Until it is restructured, it is wasted time and space. The digital course however is superbly well taught and will hopefully take over somewhat.

Reviewed: 19 March 2015
Student Reviewer
32275 reviews

Photography BA (Hons)

University rating (1)
Tell us about your overall college experience so far.

There was promises when i started about field trips so far to date we have had one field trip they have tried to organise more but these are done in an unorganised way being given the minimum of notice to register interest students never signed up so the trips got cancelled.i.e asking students to find £800 for a trip to new york in less than 2 months is not really feasible. There are attendance issues not many students turn up to lessons and the staff do very little to encourage them they tell them if they email in then they will sign them on the register. As a result of this lessons are poor with tutors not really wanting to put much effort in for the 5 or 6 students that have attended and frequently lessons end early which penalises the students willing to turn up to learn. There have been cases of cyber bullying which has never been dealt with properly. a tutor has actually told us that the college is now a business not an educational institution so you can basically do what you want without fear of serious repercussion. We keep losing resources! staff seem unwilling to help with problems the film developing service is a joke you can be waiting over a week so if this is for a project then it is difficult. the member of staff that does it is overworked and basically gets quite rude if you ask when the film will be developed. securing yourself a workstation is difficult as nobody honours the booking system. Security at the college is a joke as things are constantly stolen. Tutors seem to mark work based on personal preference. Students hand in assignments well after dead lines and don't get penalised for it which is unfair to the students who hand in on time. there are lots of other issues with this college and i can't fit any more onto this review.

Reviewed: 04 July 2014
Student Reviewer
32275 reviews

Musical Theatre BA (Hons)

University rating (3)
Tell us about your overall college experience so far.

I originally cancelled my audition for Blackpool and Fylde College as I did not have high expectations. Unfortunetly I wasn't successful in obtaining a place for any of my other choices so I decided to go through clearing for Blackpool. I am so glad I did as the last three years have been fun but very challenging. The course has broken me down as a performer and has given me the tools to build myself up again. Thanks to this course I have performed in London, Manchester and Blackpool Grand Theatre. It has also helped me develop skills off stage by giving me the responsibility of stage manager for two of our productions. The uni is sometimes difficult due to communication errors but it is improving. Blackpool as an overall place isn't the most modern, safest or prettiest place to live as it obviously has its faults but so has everywhere else in the world.

Reviewed: 06 March 2014

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