5 universities offer 17 postgraduate courses. To get the best results for postgraduate materials science degrees, enter your predicted grades.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
Positive aspects: University buildings, classrooms, teachers. Negative aspects: University location, support for students. The start time of morning classes has changed due to the long distance for students. More support for students.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Source : Complete University Guide 2025
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
The lecturers are amazing and quite helpful. I did my studies online and I was happy with the entire structure and I’m happy to come here to London to graduate today. However it would be nice for online students to kind of get a tour of the school before or after the graduation and also to include the sweaters with the names as something we can buy while purchasing the gowns before graduation. Otherwise, everything else is (for luck of a better word) perfect!
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Best is the people and the quality of the education, worst has to deal with who runs UCL, administration has quite a few dirtbags. Facilitates aren't the greatest. I prefer more of a traditional campus feel and prefer KCL and LSE campus. Still considering coming back to UCL to apply for a LLM, alongside the other London unis, and maybe throw my shot at oxbridge.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Source : Complete University Guide 2025
The university is great to study at with lots of events and societies to attend. The teaching is excellent however the course is quite intense meaning you have to spend a lot of time studying leaving less time to socialise.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Worst is the limited contact time with professors. It feels really rushed which is unfortunate because there is so much to discover here and it becomes stressful when we feel like cattle who must be rushed in and out. The university itself is fantastic though. It’s incredibly inspiring to walk through the workshops, lecture halls, and library- it feels like you’re in the center of the world. Everything is state of the art and the staff is phenomenal. I just wish they cut less corners in terms of students’ ability to engage with it all.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Top ranking materials-science universities according to the Whatuni Student Choices Awards