Education postgraduate degrees in All England

142 universities offer 1668 postgraduate courses. To get the best results for postgraduate education degrees, enter your predicted grades.

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St. George's University

2 education courses
star rating 4.5
2 reviews
What students say about education

Great teaching and student support, you feel more as a person rather than just a number when studying at St. George's. Facilities are quite good, nice classrooms and great library, tends to get rather packed during busy hours but otherwise it's a very cosy place to study and work on assignments. Lecturer's have always been helpful and provide quick responses to any query I ever had. I also really enjoy that discussions are encouraged during lectures. We also get a good amount of exposure from professionals not only from the institution but also from the hospital and other universities. Great support for student career and life after graduating.

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Master Of Education Program
clock icon 15 months full time
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  • Capstone Seminar
  • Current Topics in Education
  • Curriculum & Pedagogy
  • Education in a Multicultural Society
  • Educational Leadership
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University of Exeter

22 education courses SOUTH WEST ENGLAND
WUSCA ranking: 58th
WUSCA Student Ranking

These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students

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What students say about education

It's really nice to have so many places to study and there's plenty of financial help and budget-friendly food on campus. Lecturers are usually helpful and some really encourage you to take advantage of office hours. Exeter is hilly but it keeps me fit so as long as you avoid cardiac hill you should be fine. Student support is genuinely insane in the best way! There is so much support academically, professionally and emotionally. I can't think of anything more they could possibly provide to improve this. If you need anything at all, there is always somewhere you can be directed to and it's always so helpful. Campus looks cool, I like that the forum looks like a giant greenhouse. The guild is quite poor at handling issues. I have heard about a lack of consideration or care about societies and they're often difficult to communicate with. I had to raise an emergency issue regarding the well-being of another student (and my own) and didn't hear a response from them until two weeks later...I found that extremely poor. However, they do take time to interact with students and are constantly looking for ways to improve and improve respect that.

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Year 1
  • Developing Practical Knowledge for TESOL Teaching
  • Language Awareness for TESOL
  • Preparing for TESOL Inquiry and Dissertation
  • Principles of Language Learning for TESOL
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  • Secondary Education and Professional Studies Module
  • Secondary Physical Education Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy Module
  • Secondary Professional Learning Module
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