1 university offer 1 postgraduate course. To get the best results for postgraduate built environment degrees, enter your predicted grades.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
I think my favourite aspect of university is being able to grab onto so many different opportunities. I managed to get an internship here at DMU which will allow me to enhance my portfolio! This opportunity is paid as well so I get money and experience all whilst studying. The block learning teaching style we have at uni is really helpful as well as it allows me to balance uni and life really well. Avoiding stress and still allowing me to build my portfolio by doing freelancing and other things. I think the worst experience for me was sometimes in classrooms students don’t really speak. I don’t think everyone is comfortable to speak to each other or speak infront of each other making it a bit harder to engage in classroom.
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Top ranking built-environment universities according to the Whatuni Student Choices Awards