Tell us about your overall university experience so far.
Dundee uni is a great place to study, the staff are very helpful and friendly. It is a welcoming uni with a wide range of local and...
University rating
Tell us about your overall university experience so far.
Dundee uni is a great place to study, the staff are very helpful and friendly. It is a welcoming uni with a wide range of local and international students. The facilities are good and the courses are taught to a high standard.
How good are your university's facilities?
Institution Location
Student support
How good is the support offered by the uni? Think both academic (tutors/feedback) and personal (counselling, etc).
Campus look and feel
Institution Campus look and feel
Student life
Institution Student life
Students' union
What do you think of your Students' Union in terms of student representation and facilities?
Course rating
Course rating
As a law student, I have access to all the facilities I need with a great library and knowledgeable staff. There are always lecturers and events to help us decide about future careers.
Course content
Course content
Work placements and internships
Work placements and internships
Lecturers and teaching quality
What do you like most and least about the way your course(s) are taught?
Career prospects
How does your uni make efforts to increase your employability (careers department, work placements, transferable skills)?
Tutor contact time
Tutor contact time
Subject facilities
Subject facilities
University halls
What do you think about the safety, condition, location and cost of your accommodation?
Old Seabraes was a great place to live in my first year. It had all the facilities needed and was a good distance from the uni and facilities such as supermarkets. I was matched well to my flatmates