Media Studies FdA foundation degrees in North East England

1 university offer 1 foundation degree course. To get the best results for foundation degree media studies fda degrees, enter your predicted grades.

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University Centre Leeds, Leeds City College

1 media-studies-fda courses YORKSHIRE AND HUMBERSIDE
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What students say about media-studies-fda

Overall I love my course I wish there was options for student parking as I find that a lot of the student that travel from home find a lot of expense in paying for parking or having to park at a car park that is about a 5 minute walk away that isn’t always available to park as a lot of the teachers park there then the student can’t go to class.

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Year 1
  • Contextualising Film and Screen Media
  • Documentary Practice
  • Film Techniques
  • Introduction to Motion Design
  • Screen Practice
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