3 universities offer 3 foundation degree courses. To get the best results for foundation degree health sciences degrees, enter your predicted grades.
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These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
A smaller campus in comparison, which allows for more focus per student and easier to gain support. Great for resources, such as the library, study areas, CELT and tutors. Lessons however can sometimes be heavy on with content knowledge
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
Best aspect is the support you can receive and the fact that there are numerous kinds of support available, whether it is be work support or help with background information. Worst Aspect in my opinion is the location as compared to city campus as it is in the centre of Nottingham so its very easy and close to arrive. However Clifton is located around South of Nottingham so it takes a decent while to get there compared to the city campus.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.