8 universities offer 11 foundation degree courses. To get the best results for foundation degree health sciences degrees, enter your predicted grades.
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These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
The best thing about the university of the fact that it is very diversed with people from all over the word. Most of the teachers are very friendly and helpful.They have great post study support regarding future career
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
A smaller campus in comparison, which allows for more focus per student and easier to gain support. Great for resources, such as the library, study areas, CELT and tutors. Lessons however can sometimes be heavy on with content knowledge
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
The best aspects of my uni experience are the nights that are put on at pop world becuase they bring a lot of attention to students and can make nights out fun. The worst aspect is the student support, we get access to support plans if we are eligible but we are limited to what support we get, we also have a careers advisor centre which i have been to before, however i didnt find it helpful or useful
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
The best part of my university that i like is science laboratories as being a science student it makes me excited in performing experiments and learning new techniques, working with experienced teachers and researchers. And also the libraries that are opened 24/7 which is great for studying at night as well. We can't say worst aspect but my campus is Clifton campus so I have to get the bus which takes an hour or sometimes more to reach the college as my lecture begins early morning.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
It’s a great place to study as it’s a small community. All teachers know you by your name and you have a purpose in class, you’re not just another number on the attendance sheet. The location is great especially if you are studying a sporting subject.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.