74 universities offer 135 foundation degree courses. To get the best results for foundation degree education degrees, enter your predicted grades.
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A friendly atmosphere and a safe space. There are places to study, work and create that are full of students but also quiet spots for independent study. Super encouraging and friendly staff/ teachers, most are also easy to contact on teams outside of uni hours.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Very positive. Facilities available are suitable for the purpose of our course. Teaching is fantastic as is course content. The opportunities that have arisen during my time here have provided me with a fantastic insight into the aviation industry
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Great support from lectures however, support from student services for students with additional needs on an evening (work-based) course have less support than daytime students. Not too sure who or what the student union is (that is why I have stared a 1). Lots of information for the course is provided once started and you are able to message when needed and receive a reply within 24 hours. There is a library, Costa and lots of space for out of lecture work.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
The tutors in specific areas could focus more on specific aims for the students rather than what they thinks will work and offering a session which doesn't work for all. Other interactive sessions have been intriguing and useful to studies
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
The atmosphere is quite nice and the campus is very beautiful. I do think as an international student there aren't many opportunities to integrate properly with home students. At times, there's a sense of othering. Maybe providing a more thorough orientation process with international students to ensure they feel include in the SMU community.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
School has been hard obviously but my tutors really care about us, they make sure that we understand everything that we've learnt. They take the time to help us through tutorials so overall as hard as this year has been I do think it has been a pretty good experience thanks to my tutors.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.