PgCert in Education (International)
University of Strathclyde
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( 4.4)

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Graduate Certificate


Online Campus

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Part Time

Start date



1 Year

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Graduate Certificate


Online Campus

Study mode

Part Time

Start date



1 Year



Graduate Certificate


Online Campus

Study mode

Part Time

Start date



1 Year



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Course info

Study with usan internationally recognised Masters level teacher professional development programmethis fully online course is ideal for teachers and teaching assistants currently working in international school settingsdesigned for those looking to advance their future career prospects and to improve their quality of teachingexplore key aspects of learning and teaching in the context of a 21st century multilingual and multicultural landscapeaimed at deepening your understanding of educational ...Read more

Study with us

an internationally recognised Masters level teacher professional development programme

this fully online course is ideal for teachers and teaching assistants currently working in international school settings

designed for those looking to advance their future career prospects and to improve their quality of teaching

explore key aspects of learning and teaching in the context of a 21st century multilingual and multicultural landscape

aimed at deepening your understanding of educational issues, our course will enable you to apply innovative pedagogical ideas with immediate classroom impact

develop your professional knowledge and skills by giving you an opportunity to conduct a small-scale action research project that will inform your own practice

the international PGCE is also known as the iPGCE, PGCEi, PGCiE and PGCE IDL

Why this course?

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) or iPGCE is a fully online Masters level teacher professional development programme. Whether you're just starting out in your teaching career or are keen to take your skills to the next level, the iPGCE offers fantastic learning opportunities. You'll have the opportunity to apply what you learn from the iPGCE to your own classroom as well as the wider community.

This is ideal for teachers and teaching assistants working in international school or bilingual school settings. To study the iPGCE you must have secured a teaching post at a school before the programme start date and be able to demonstrate support from your own school. We have students on this programme currently working in international schools around the world: Spain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, South Africa, UAE, Pakistan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The course aims to develop your professional knowledge and skills by linking current debates in education to your practice. You can choose a specialised area: Early Years, Primary Education, Secondary Education (subject-specific), according to your interests and experience.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (International) is delivered by our academic staff who bring a wide range of experience and expertise in education. Many are internationally recognised experts in educational research.

The programme also offers a route into a full Masters degree and a research-orientated career.

Key stats

WUSCA ranking:
WUSCA student ranking
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
CUG Subject Ranking
CUG Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
CUG Ranking
CUG Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025

Entry requirements

Undergraduate degree with at least a 2:1 or degree lower than this with professional experience working in an education related setting.


Tuition fees

Students living in


Students from Domestic

This is the fee you pay if the University is in the same country that you live in (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

Please contact the provider

Students from Scotland

Please contact the provider

£5,550 per year

This information is updated by IDP Connect, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: The fees might vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from EU

The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from somewhere in the EU.

The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from somewhere in the EU.

£5,550 per year

This information is updated by IDP Connect, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: The fees might vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from International

The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from a country outside the EU.

The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from a country outside the EU.

IDP Connect

Uni info

University of Strathclyde
University of Strathclyde , Glasgow

The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university which offers a diverse range of postgraduate...

Student rating
( 4.4) View reviews
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