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MSci - Master in Science (Master of Natural Science at Cambridge University)
University of Exeter
Full Time
4 years
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MSci - Master in Science (Master of Natural Science at Cambridge University)
University of Exeter
Full Time
4 years
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PLEASE NOTE: this programme is available to current students only.
Study genes, their action and how they are passed on through generations
Learn how powerful technologies in genomics allow us to sequence a person’s entire genetic code: the genome, giving insight into the mechanisms of normal and pathological states, as well as the identification, diagnosis
You’ll learn through interdisciplinary small group learning, teaching you independent thinking, collaboration, team-work and communication
Help contribute to the latest research in human / medical genomics and gain higher level insight into bioinformatics, ethics and counselling, new generation sequencing, genetics of cancer and infectious diseases, and epigenetics
Learning and teaching
Throughout the programme, you benefit from a careful blend of innovative and traditional teaching methods employed by both the Medical School and the Biosciences department. A variety of stimulating, cutting-edge resources are also available to support your learning.
Structured small group learning sessions
In tutor-led groups of 8-12 students you will investigate key scientific concepts and systems presented in the form of triggers. The style of trigger varies week by week but will include patient-based clinical case studies, current media-worthy medical science breakthroughs and extracts from research papers.
Life Sciences Resource Centre activities
You’ll be supported in your exploration of the human biomedical science that is presented in your small group sessions by the rich variety of state-of-the-art resources available in the Life Sciences Resource Centre. These resources include anatomical models, multimedia and IT resources, and a well-stocked library. Tutor-led activities will drive your engagement with selected resources in order to increase your understanding of the small group triggers.
Lectures and seminars
Large group lectures and cutting-edge research seminars delivered by academics as well as external speakers will complement your studies. Lectures may contain students from a variety of different programmes for which the lecture content is relevant.
Practical laboratory sessions
You will develop your laboratory skills in the biosciences teaching laboratory on the Streatham Campus and the new teaching lab at the St Luke’s campus, which are equipped with instruments for observational, experimental and numerical aspects of biosciences including a range of biochemical, molecular, physiological and electronic apparatus.
Online learning
Your learning will be supported by the University’s virtual learning environment. You will have individual access to electronic journals, content-rich study guides, and interactive online learning materials covering various science disciplines, formative online assessments and group discussion forums.
Regular assessment is used to help provide you with frequent feedback, enabling you to identify your strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Feedback is provided in a number of different ways including online written feedback and self, peer, tutor or small group feedback. Assessment formats include multiple-choice tests, essays, structured practical exams, reflective essays, oral and poster presentations, scientific report writing, short-answer question tests and independent project work.
Students living in
£9,250 per year
Students from England
The mentioned fee is for Sep 2024 year entry. There might be a slight increase in Sep 2025 year entry.
£27,000 per year
Students from EU
The mentioned fee is for Sep 2024 year entry. There might be a slight increase in Sep 2025 year entry.
£27,000 per year
Students from International
The mentioned fee is for Sep 2024 year entry. There might be a slight increase in Sep 2025 year entry.