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MMEd - Master of Medicine
University of Warwick
Part Time
3 years
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MMEd - Master of Medicine
University of Warwick
Part Time
3 years
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Medical Education is offered by Warwick as an MMedED PGCert and PGDip. Led by experienced clinicians and leading academics in the medical education field this course will enhance your knowledge and skills as an educator helping you grow in confidence for your own professional practice.
The Postgraduate Certificate stage is accredited by the Higher Education Academy.
Course Overview
Covering the key principles and methods of teaching and learning within healthcare environments this course will provide you with the skills needed to plan and deliver successful teaching sessions. Our flexible course structure allows you to study over a three-year period starting with the PG Certificate then progressing to the PG Diploma and finally completing the full MMedEd.
Teaching and Assessment
Each module is organised as a five-day intensive study block. You will be taught through lectures and seminars. In addition to intensive face-to-face teaching the foundation module also features online learning including resource-based teaching and online discussion.
Each module is assessed by a 4000 word written assignment. The first two assignments include a reflective teaching portfolio. The Professional Project is assessed by 4000 word project report an oral presentation and poster presentation.
Students can also exit with PGCert (1 year - part time) or PGDip (2 years - part time) awards.
Minimum requirements All applicants must have experience in teaching in a healthcare context and be currently actively involved in teaching activities. Applicants will be educated to a 2:1i or above at first degree level and normally be healthcare professionals.
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Students from International
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