Mathematical and Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons)
Aberystwyth University
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Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)


Main Site (Aberystwyth)

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Full Time

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3 Years

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Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)


Main Site (Aberystwyth)

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years



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Physics & Astronomy

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A level

UCAS Tariff

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)


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Northern Ireland

Channel Islands


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Course info

In choosing to study the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics degree at Aberystwyth University you will be taught by talented members of staff in two leading academic departments. You will develop your understanding of the more theoretical parts of Physics, replacing an experimental approach to Physics with a solid grounding in Mathematics. This combination of Mathematics and Physics links to many spheres of interest, and students studying this diverse subject are very much in demand with ...Read more

In choosing to study the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics degree at Aberystwyth University you will be taught by talented members of staff in two leading academic departments. You will develop your understanding of the more theoretical parts of Physics, replacing an experimental approach to Physics with a solid grounding in Mathematics. This combination of Mathematics and Physics links to many spheres of interest, and students studying this diverse subject are very much in demand with employers. Mathematics and Physics have been taught at Aberystwyth since the foundation of the university in 1872, making the university the first in Wales to teach these subjects. Investment of several million pounds in teaching and research has ensured that we continue to innovate and provide a stimulating learning environment for a growing body of mathematics and physics students from all over the world.The first two years of the course consist predominantly of compulsory core modules covering a wide range of themes including abstract and linear algebra, calculus, differential equations, quantum mechanics, dynamics and thermal physics. At the end of your second-year, your tutors will discuss with you what your priorities and aspirations are and will advise you whether to continue studying for the BSc or to take a fourth-year of study and gain the MMath qualification. If you decide to continue working towards the BSc, only half of your third-year modules will be core modules so you will be able to choose your remaining modules from the full range of level three Mathematics and Physics modules, allowing you to tailor the course to suit your interests. The Departments of Mathematics and Physics are at the forefront of Welsh-medium provision in these subjects at higher education level in Wales. Details of Welsh language modules in mathematics and physics may be obtained from the departments.This course will develop your understanding of a wide range of theories and processes in Mathematics and Physics and will teach you to apply the techniques you have learned to solve problems and explore research questions. You will develop your written and oral communication skills and your ability to work independently and as part of a group. Some of the skills you will develop include: research, data analysis, enhanced mathematical and computational skills, problem-solving, creative thinking, information technology, independent working, time management, organisation, meeting deadlines and self-motivation. You will enhance your ability to express ideas, communicate information clearly and concisely, accommodate other viewpoints and come to a decision as part of a team. The Mathematical and Theoretical Physics degree scheme is designed to cultivate transferable skills, including numeracy and reasoning, to ensure that our graduates are attractive to employers in a wide range of fields.Graduates in Mathematics and Physics are highly valued by employers for their skills in numeracy and problem-solving. Careers that relate directly to your degree subject include research science, university lecturing and secondary school teaching. A high proportion of Physics graduates progress to postgraduate study, and many pursue research careers in an academic or industrial environment. Other careers where this degree would be useful include engineering, scientific writing and publishing, operational research, business consultancy, medical physics, meteorology, computing, accounting and finance.

Key stats

WUSCA ranking:
WUSCA student ranking
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
CUG Subject Ranking
CUG Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
CUG Ranking
CUG Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
Drop-out rate
Drop-out rate
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 90 = 10% Drop-out rate Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Employment rate
Employment rate
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
What students say
10 Mar 22

It's a small university, and a small town, and this has both its good and bad sides. It's great knowing all your lecturers, and having them know who you are too. The teaching..Read more


Modules (Year 1)
Modules (Year 2)
Modules (Year 3)
IDP Connect

Entry requirements

Exam type

A level

A level:

BBC - BBB Grades / Points required

UCAS Tariff:

112 - 120 Grades / Points required

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme:

28 - 30 Grades / Points required

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

DDM - DMM Grades / Points required

To include B in A-level Mathematics and B in Physics.

To include B in A-level Mathematics and B in Physics.

To include 5 points in Mathematics and Physics at Higher Level.

To include B in A-level Mathematics and B in Physics.

Popular A-level subjects


Top 5 A-levels taken by students who study this subject at uni.

Further Mathematics

Tuition fees

Students living in


£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from England

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Scotland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Wales

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Northern Ireland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Channel Islands

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£18,170 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from EU

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£18,170 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from International

This is the fee you pay if you are an International student. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£18170 Per year

UCAS/IDP Connect

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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Theoretical Physics
10 Mar 22
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics BSc (Hons)
It's a small university, and a small town, and this has both its good and bad sides. It's great knowing all your lecturers, and having them know who you are too. The teaching...
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Uni info

Aberystwyth University
Aberystwyth University , Wales

Aberystwyth University offers an excellent university experience and is consistently ranked amongst the best universities in the UK....

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Aberystwyth University
Penglais Campus Penglais Road Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DD United Kingdom
Nearest train station: Aberystwyth  0.4 miles away

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