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MSc - Master of Science
Denmark Hill Campus 1
Full Time
1 year
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MSc - Master of Science
Denmark Hill Campus 1
Full Time
1 year
MSc - Master of Science
Denmark Hill Campus
Full Time
1 Year
MSc - Master of Science
Denmark Hill Campus 1
Part Time
2 years
MSc - Master of Science
Denmark Hill Campus
Part Time
2 Years
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Earlyinterventionisanevidence-basedapproachthatcombinespsychosocialtreatmentwithmedication.Becauseofits'success,itsnowacrucialpartofmentalhealth'servicesworldwide.Wevedesignedthiscoursetohelpyouexplorepsychosisfrombiological,psychologicaland'socialperspectives.Youlllearntodetectearly'symptomsandtreatthem,thenputyour'skillsintoactiononaclinicalplacementintheNHS(guaranteedtoall'students).Aspartofthiscourse,youllalsocompleteaquantitativeorqualitativeresearchproject.Past'studentshaveexploredgeneticsofearlypsychosis,theuseofneuroimaging,andpredictorsofpsychoticrelapses.ThisMScisgearedtowards'studentseagertoboosttheirexpertisebeforeapplyingfor clinicaltrainingoraPhD.Butitsalsoidealfor doctors,psychologistsandnursesaimingtotaketheircareertothenextlevel.
Degree in medicine, psychology, nursing, professions allied to medicine (e.g. radiography) or a scientific degree such as biomedical science, neuroscience or computer science. In order to meet the academic entry requirements for this programme you should have a minimum 2:1 undergraduate degree with a final mark of at least 60% or above in the UK marking scheme. If you are still studying you should be achieving an average of at least 60% or above in the UK marking scheme.
Students living in
£15,840 per year
Students from Domestic
This is the fee you pay if the University is in the same country that you live in (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
£37,368 per year
Students from EU
The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from somewhere in the EU.
£37,368 per year
Students from International
The amount you'll pay if you come to study here from a country outside the EU.
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