Construction Management BSc (Hons)
University of East London
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Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)


Docklands Campus

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years

Course info

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Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)


Docklands Campus

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years



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A level

UCAS Tariff

Access to HE Diploma

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)


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Course info

Course summaryThere are so many aspects to construction management – organising resources, materials, labour, and planning transport routes. Ensuring that a building project runs smoothly, with enough materials, equipment, workers and money to deliver it, is a huge task. So, too, is monitoring construction quality and progress.This course will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding as well as industry contacts to help you develop into that role and to take on that kind of ...Read more

Course summary

There are so many aspects to construction management – organising resources, materials, labour, and planning transport routes. Ensuring that a building project runs smoothly, with enough materials, equipment, workers and money to deliver it, is a huge task. So, too, is monitoring construction quality and progress.

This course will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding as well as industry contacts to help you develop into that role and to take on that kind of responsibility. It is also accredited by the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) and fits within their educational framework for professional membership.

Key areas you will study include the planning and financing of projects, required contract law and of course health and safety knowledge – both for yourself and others. Time planning and logistics, cost control and management, and quality control are vital skills for a construction manager, and they are skills we will help you to gain through problem solving, digital collaborative working as well as traditional team work activities.

This course can also be studied part-time day release as independent study or as a sponsored student on a Degree Apprenticeship programme for Site Construction Management.

What you'll learn

You will learn a broad range of skills in your first year, sharing modules in technology, surveying, maths and IT with Civil Engineering and Surveying students. Later in your second year you will specialise in specific construction management disciplines such as tendering and estimating, cost management and control, and contract law. In your final year there are key modules in project management as well as a range of current up to date module options, including Quantity Surveying Practice and Built Asset Management.

Building without proper safety planning can be a dangerous business when it comes to working at heights, excavating and shifting materials. You’ll learn how to manage it and make it safe. You’ll also learn about sustainable design. Plus, you’ll look at the contractual side of things, and how to ensure sub-contractors work to the required standards.

You need to have good inter-personal skills and be comfortable working as part of a large team, you will also have to keep in mind your client’s requirements at all times. This course will help you learn how to juggle all these responsibilities successfully.


Thanks to our excellent links with industry, graduates from this course have gone on to work on projects all over the world. Some have been involved with UK construction projects such as the Shard and the Tottenham Court Road TFL Station.

Your most likely job on graduation will be an assistant site manager, working in a role where you have responsibility for a broad range of activities. If you perform impressively on site, and deal well with people, you could soon find yourself taking responsibility for really large or intricate projects.

A typical project will take 18 months or two years, during which time you’ll be working very closely with a wide variety of people performing different jobs.

Say you are working on a rail project, or on the London Underground, where work will often need to be scheduled for weekends and Bank Holidays. You might spend six months planning for one Bank Holiday weekend, booking in equipment, materials and labour. Imagine the satisfaction you will feel when everything you have planned for comes together.

Key stats

WUSCA ranking:
WUSCA student ranking
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
CUG Subject Ranking
CUG Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
CUG Ranking
CUG Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
Drop-out rate
Drop-out rate
The percentage of students who didn't finish the course.
Calculated by 100% - (% of students continuing course + % of students completed course)
100 - 70 = 30% Drop-out rate Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Employment rate
Employment rate
The percentage of students in full-time work 6 months after finishing their course.
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Average salary
Average salary
Source: UNISTATS, 2019
Building graduate salary at this uni
UK Building graduate salary
What students say
30 Nov 24

Very..Read more

04 Dec 23

Location..Read more


Modules (Year 1)
Modules (Year 2)
Modules (Year 3)
IDP Connect

Entry requirements

Exam type

A level

A level:

BBB Grades / Points required

UCAS Tariff:

112 Grades / Points required

Access to HE Diploma:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

D*D* Grades / Points required

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

DMM Grades / Points required

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

112 UCAS Points

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Popular A-level subjects


Top 5 A-levels taken by students who study this subject at uni.

Business Studies
English Literature
Media Studies

Tuition fees

Students living in


£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from England

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Scotland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Wales

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Northern Ireland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Channel Islands

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£14,580 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from EU

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£14,580 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from International

This is the fee you pay if you are an International student. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£14580 Per year

UCAS/IDP Connect

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The University of East London (UEL) is based in a particularly vibrant and diverse part of London, boasting two modern campuses located...

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