Architecture BA (Hons)
Bath Spa University
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Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)


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Full Time

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3 Years

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Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)


Main Site

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years



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A level

Access to HE Diploma

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

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Northern Ireland

Channel Islands

Course info

**Use architectural design principles to respond to complex social and environmental needs with our ARB-prescribed Architecture degree.**- Study an Architecture degree at our RIBA Award-winning Locksbrook Campus building.- Work with a range of local, regional, national and international organisations on real-world projects.- Create innovative designs that respond to the needs of communities, social initiatives and complex issues such as climate change.Where we live and work shapes who we are – ...Read more

Use architectural design principles to respond to complex social and environmental needs with our ARB-prescribed Architecture degree.

- Study an Architecture degree at our RIBA Award-winning Locksbrook Campus building.- Work with a range of local, regional, national and international organisations on real-world projects.- Create innovative designs that respond to the needs of communities, social initiatives and complex issues such as climate change.Where we live and work shapes who we are – whether we’re in a built or natural environment. On our Architecture degree, you’ll learn about the relationships between conservation, planning and the use and reuse of spaces in response to crucial issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss and supporting fair societies.How we design, create, reinvent and repurpose our built environment is constantly evolving, and we’ll prepare you to be a responsive, resilient, flexible and imaginative practitioner. You’ll work on projects and live briefs with external collaborators from your first year on the course.Bath is a World Heritage City that has always been at the cutting edge of architecture; the balance of old and new here is evident in everything from the city’s famous Georgian buildings to the recently redeveloped former Herman Miller factory site that has become Bath Spa University’s state-of-the-art Locksbrook Campus. BA Architecture at Bath Spa teaches you about buildings and materials in relation to their location and within their historic and future contexts.

Prescribed Architecture course

Take the first step towards becoming an Architect. This course is prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) for the purpose of entry onto the United Kingdom Register of Architects. As a prescribed course, it forms the undergraduate degree element of the Part 1 qualification towards becoming an architect.Prescription is subject to the conditions of prescription being met and maintained and to periodic review. The qualification is currently prescribed until 31 December 2027.

Key stats

CUG Ranking
CUG Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025


Modules (Year 1)
Modules (Year 2)
Modules (Year 3)
IDP Connect

Entry requirements

Exam type

A level

A level:

BCC - BBB Grades / Points required

Access to HE Diploma:

M:45 Grades / Points required

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme:

32 Grades / Points required

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

DDM - DMM Grades / Points required

T Level:

M Grades / Points required

A Level - grades BBB-BCC including Grade B in an Art or Design or related subject.

Access to HE courses – typical offers for applicants with Access to HE will be the Access to HE Diploma or Access to HE Certificate (60 credits, 45 of which must be Level 3, at Merit or higher) together with evidence of experience in Art and Design.

A minimum of 32 points are required.

BTEC - Extended Diploma grades from Distinction Distinction Merit (DDM) to Distinction Merit Merit (DMM) in a related subject.

Grade Merit is preferred in a relevant subject.

Tuition fees

Students living in


£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from England

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Scotland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Wales

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Northern Ireland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Channel Islands

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

UCAS/IDP Connect

Uni info

Bath Spa University
Newton Park Bath Bath And North East Somerset BA2 9BN United Kingdom
Nearest train station: Oldfield Park  1.6 miles away
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