Addysg Gynnar ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol gydag SYBC (Dwyieithog) BA (Hons)
Cardiff Metropolitan University
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( 4.3)

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Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)


Cardiff Met - Cyncoed

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years

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Bachelor of Arts (with Honours) - BA (Hons)


Cardiff Met - Cyncoed

Study mode

Full Time

Start date



3 Years



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Exam type

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A level

Scottish Advanced Higher

UCAS Tariff

Access to HE Diploma

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Leaving Certificate - Higher Level (Ireland) (first awarded in 2017)

OCR Cambridge Technical Diploma

OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

T Level

Welsh Advanced Skills Baccalaureate (first teaching September 2023)

Welsh Baccalaureate - Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (first teaching September 2015)


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Channel Islands


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Course info

Rydym yn cynnig rhaglen radd BA (Anrh) arloesol mewn Addysg Blynyddoedd Cynnar ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol syn cynnig ystod amrywiol o fodiwlau ymarfer a theori perthnasol. Mae dau lwybr astudio ar gael: •BA (Hons) Early Years Professional Practice (with Early Years Practitioner Status) •BA (Anrh) Addysg Gynnar ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol gydag SYBC (Dwyieithog)*Yn y rhaglenni hyn, byddwch yn ennill statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar cymwys (SYBC), gan ennill profiad ymarferol yn y gwaith wedii ...Read more

Rydym yn cynnig rhaglen radd BA (Anrh) arloesol mewn Addysg Blynyddoedd Cynnar ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol sy'n cynnig ystod amrywiol o fodiwlau ymarfer a theori perthnasol. Mae dau lwybr astudio ar gael:
• BA (Hons) Early Years Professional Practice (with Early Years Practitioner Status)
• BA (Anrh) Addysg Gynnar ac Ymarfer Proffesiynol gydag SYBC (Dwyieithog)*Yn y rhaglenni hyn, byddwch yn ennill statws Ymarferydd Blynyddoedd Cynnar cymwys (SYBC), gan ennill profiad ymarferol yn y gwaith wedi'i gyfuno â gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol a pholisi yn ogystal â'r sgiliau trosglwyddadwy sy'n ofynnol ar gyfer ymarfer Blynyddoedd Cynnar effeithiol, gan gynnwys rheoli lleoliadau Blynyddoedd Cynnar. Datblygwyd y rhaglen mewn ymateb uniongyrchol i newidiadau yn y ddarpariaeth Blynyddoedd Cynnar yng Nghymru a'r DU er mwyn darparu arbenigwyr plentyndod cynnar cymwys sy'n gweithio gyda phlant ifanc a'u teuluoedd. Agwedd sylfaenol ar y radd yw'r 700 awr o brofiad wedi'i asesu sy'n seiliedig ar ymarfer y byddwch chi'n ei gwblhau er mwyn ennill SYBC. Mae hwn yn cynnwys lleoliad wythnosol yn ystod pob blwyddyn o'ch astudiaeth, mewn ystod o leoliadau perthnasol fel ystafelloedd dosbarth Blynyddoedd Cynnar/Cyfnod Sylfaen, meithrinfeydd preifat, canolfannau plant integredig a chyfleusterau gofal dydd. Fel rhan o'ch gradd byddwch hefyd yn treulio amser yn ein darpariaeth Ysgol Goedwig ar y campws, lle byddwch yn cael profiad uniongyrchol o'r dull deinamig hwn o addysg gynnar. Yn ogystal, byddwch hefyd yn cael cyfle i dreulio amser yn ein hystafell MiniMets a ddatblygwyd er mwyn galluogi i brofi rhagoriaeth yn ymarferol trwy sesiynau ymarferol. Trwy ennill gradd sydd ar flaen y gad o ran newidiadau yn y sector, bydd eich cymhwyster yn cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr gan ddarpar gyflogwyr yn y maes hwn. Mae'r radd hon hefyd yn rhoi sylfeini cadarn ar gyfer ystod o yrfaoedd cysylltiedig, fel gwaith cymorth i deuluoedd, iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a gwaith cymunedol.*Mae'r radd ddwyieithog yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu eich dealltwriaeth academaidd ac ymarferol o addysg gynnar mewn cyd-destun dwyieithog. Er bod peth o'r rhaglen yn cael ei darparu trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg, mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r cwrs dwyieithog ar gael trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, gan gynnwys cefnogaeth tiwtor personol sy'n siarad Cymraeg a lleoliadau cyfrwng Cymraeg. Gellir cyflwyno asesiadau yn Saesneg neu yn Gymraeg a gellir teilwra'r cynnwys Cymraeg i weddu'ch gallu ieithyddol Mae'r cwrs wedi'i gynllunio i ateb y galw cynyddol am raddedigion sydd â galluoedd a chymwysterau dwyieithog.Er mwyn graddio gyda'r radd ddwyieithog, rhaid i fyfyrwyr astudio o leiaf 80 credyd ym mhob blwyddyn trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Bydd myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn y llwybr hwn hefyd yn gymwys i gael ysgoloriaeth Y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol sydd werth hyd at £3000 dros y tair blynedd.* Sylwer: Bydd y rhaglen hon yn destun adolygiad yn ystod ym mis Rhagfyr 2019. O'r herwydd, gall cynnwys y cwrs a ddangosir isod newid er mwyn sicrhau bod y rhaglen yn parhau i fod yn gyfredol. Bydd unrhyw ymgeiswyr yn cael gwybod am unrhyw newidiadau wedi iddynt gael eu cadarnhau.

Key stats

WUSCA ranking:
WUSCA student ranking
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and current students.
CUG Subject Ranking
CUG Subject Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025
CUG Ranking
CUG Ranking
Source: Complete University Guide 2025


Modules (Year 1)
Modules (Year 2)
Modules (Year 3)
IDP Connect

Entry requirements

Exam type

A level

A level:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Scottish Advanced Higher:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

UCAS Tariff:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Access to HE Diploma:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme:

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Leaving Certificate - Higher Level (Ireland) (first awarded in 2017):

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

OCR Cambridge Technical Diploma:

D*D Grades / Points required

OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma:

MMM Grades / Points required

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

D*D Grades / Points required

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016):

MMM Grades / Points required

T Level:

M Grades / Points required

Welsh Advanced Skills Baccalaureate (first teaching September 2023):

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Welsh Baccalaureate - Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate (first teaching September 2015):

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Grade combinations totalling 104 points considered with a minimum CCC

Grade combinations totalling 104 points considered with a minimum DD

104 points to include minimum CCC

Pass the Access to HE Diploma with 45 credits at level 3 to reach a minimum of 104 points, grade combinations accepted

A minimum tariff of 24 from Higher Level subjects

104 points with a minimum of two H2 grades. Minimum grade H4 considered within points

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Not currently available, please contact university for up to date information.

Welsh Advanced Skills Baccalaureate considered as the third subject

Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate considered as the third A level

Tuition fees

Students living in


£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from England

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within England. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Scotland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Scotland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Wales

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Wales. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Northern Ireland

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Northern Ireland. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£9,250 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from Channel Islands

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within Channel Islands. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£16,000 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from EU

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

This is the fee you pay if you live within the European Union. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£16,000 per year

This information comes from UCAS, or in some cases the institution directly.
Please note: fees do vary so please make sure you contact the institution for up to date information.

Students from International

This is the fee you pay if you are an International student. Please note, this fee has been confirmed.

£16000 Per year

UCAS/IDP Connect

Uni info

Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff Metropolitan University , Cardiff

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s history spans over 150 years....

Student rating
( 4.3) View reviews
CUG ranking
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Cardiff Metropolitan University Cyncoed Road Cardiff CF23 6XD United Kingdom
Nearest train station: Heath High Level  0.6 miles away
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