60 universities offer 373 courses. To get the best results for undergraduate agriculture and horticulture degrees, enter your predicted grades.
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It has been very supportive and engaging. Practical and theory lectures have been interesting . Lecturers are approachable and well-design lectures. The campus is nice and has some really good facilities e.g. library and HE Study Space.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
I really wanted to study Health and Social Care further to enable me to have in depth knowledge and be prepared to potentially study a nursing degree. One major problem I was facing was not wanting to leave home just yet UCNL providing me that very option. The staff within Uni are supportive and friendly and accommodating. They always try and push you to reach your full potential.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
These are the 2024 rankings, based on ratings given by past and present students
***IDPCTBR22*** genuine, but sensitive. Overall, I believe the University of Liverpool is a great university with a lot of supporting facilities. However, I do take issue with the hypocrisy of the Liverpool Guild as they advocate for protecting women's health and bodily autonomy as evidenced by the "my body my choice" poster on display in their window but have allowed a society to be recognised which advocates for the complete opposite of this (pro life society). As a woman, this has created an unsafe feeling around campus and compromised my admiration for the University.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
While things have been difficult undertaking our clinical year during covid the staff have been very accommodating and have worked hard to still deliver as good of an experience as possible, so I am very grateful. I can imagine that when things return to normal it will be a first class experience.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
I am thoroughly enjoying studying at Portsmouth University, although i have struggled throughout my time here with mental health problems all the staff in every department have been amazing and without their incredible support im not sure i would have reached my third year and be looking at graduating! i cant praise them higher, it is an incredible university that treats every student the same no matter who they are, where they are from or any disabilities they may have.
We collect thousands of reviews on uni campuses from real students, and online reviews can only be submitted using an authorized university email address.
Top ranking agriculture-and-horticulture universities according to the Whatuni Student Choices Awards