University rating
Tell us about your overall university experience so far.
No university is perfect - but I came back to Lancaster for postgrad because I know they will look after you. My experience with Lancaster is good - I would recommend it to a lot of people. Many who leave go with an attachment to the place they just can't shake off!
When there is an issue, feed it back, usually they will help.
How good are your university's facilities?
Really good. Everything you could wish for and more. I was an undergraduate here six years ago and have returned for a masters. Still amazing parts of campus I didn't know existed. There's an arts gallery, a whole arts organisation on campus with shows you can go to. Recording studios. The Ruskin Library (incredible building and yes folks you can go into it!), a £20m sports centre, tennis courts, a woodland trail, ducks everywhere etc.
Student support
How good is the support offered by the uni? Think both academic (tutors/feedback) and personal (counselling, etc).
Good, make sure you seek it out though. They can't help you unless you go to them. It's there, sometimes I feel it needs to be advertised better. They were very clear at the start of our course about it. The college wellbeing officers are good, and there are regular mental health sessions you can sign up to. I think like with all of society, mental health and wellbeing just needs to be communicated better.
Students' union
What do you think of your Students' Union in terms of student representation and facilities?
The fact that it helps facilitate such a big number of sports and societies is good and I expect this is the main way people interact with it. Some of the events organised are good as well, such as the weekly farmers market on campus and it's good at pushing eco-friendliness on campus and equality issues. However, it often says to go to it for advice on things, but that's not honestly what I see it for. I don't feel it necessarily represents me all the time and I would go to college wellbeing officers from the university ahead of the union.
Local life
Is your university in a good location in terms of distance to accommodation and local amenities?
I live on campus, so I am at university constantly. If you really wanted to, you wouldn't have to leave the lovely, leafy campus which has a woodland trail for a whole year! However, you probably will want to go into the city centre.....which is a short bus ride away. Some people cycle, others walk too, there is a path connecting the university and city. If you're used to living in a big city, the fields nearby might come as shock, but if you're from a rural area like goodness....functioning public transport!!! Buses every ten minutes!! It's incredible. The city really isn't very far away at all. It's like a couple of fields over. Hardly that now that there's an extra bit of campus being built.
I live in an area called South West Campus, or Alexandra Park, where Graduate College is. The colleges and accommodation are spread all over campus. if you're living centrally, then yes, it's very easy to get to lectures etc, but occasionally you hear people moaning about the long walk from south west campus to the other's about 10/15 minutes, if that. It's fine. I challenge people to actually have a commute...
Societies and Sports
How would you rate the variety of societies/sports?
Huge. You can do whatever you want pretty much, the biggest trouble is fitting it all in. Take the opportunities, they're there. Try stuff.
Lecturers and teaching quality
What do you like most and least about the way your course(s) are taught?
Well I'm doing a Humanities subject as a taught there isn't much contact time. The module themselves are taught well. Personally, I'd like a bit more guidance on what's expected on certain assignments in terms of presentation, ways of writing etc. It seems slightly expected that we'll figure it out on our own. Not everyone has come from the same background, especially into Masters degrees. However, when you do notify the department of an issue, they will sort it out. They will take feedback and act on it, which I've been impressed by. This doesn't happen in all organisations.
How many contact hours per week do you have?
Career prospects
How does your uni make efforts to increase your employability (careers department, work placements, transferable skills)?
You will hear people at Lancaster telling you to go to a place called 'The Base' a lot....LISTEN TO THEM!! The careers service is there amongst other things, it's great, lots of events, the careers website etc is constantly being pushed in your face, so take the opportunities and run with them. If you don't and you're passive about it, then that's your problem.