University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

All courses (259 results)

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    This is the overall rating calculated by averaging all live reviews for this uni on Whatuni.
    (3.0) 10 reviews
  • Overview Town / Non campus

Considering attending University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)? Find out what their own students say about the place in these reviews...

Literature and Theology BA (Hons)

Humanities, Education And Gaelic

4 years full time

Q32T UCAS code 100% Employment rate
Show Modules (YEAR 1)

Literature BA (Hons)

Humanities, Education And Gaelic

4 years full time

Q320 UCAS code 100% Employment rate
Show Modules (YEAR 1)

MA Contemporary Art and Archaeology

University Of The Highlands And Islands

15 months full time / 27 months part time

83rd CUG subject ranking

Marine and Coastal Tourism BA (Hons)

Business, Management And Leisure

4 years full time

F7N8 UCAS code 95% Employment rate 55th CUG subject ranking
Show Modules (YEAR 4)

Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)

Engineering And The Built Environment

4 years full time

H301 UCAS code 75% Employment rate
Show Modules (YEAR 2)

Moral and Philosophical Studies with Religious Education BA (Hons)

Humanities, Education And Gaelic

4 years full time

X104 UCAS code 86th CUG subject ranking
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Music Business - BA (Hons)

University Of The Highlands And Islands (Uhi)

4 years full time

W3N1 UCAS code 66th CUG subject ranking

Nursing (Adult) BSc

Nursing And Midwifery

3 years full time

B740 UCAS code 81st CUG subject ranking
Show Modules (YEAR 1)

Nursing (Mental Health) BSc

Nursing And Midwifery

3 years full time

B760 UCAS code 81st CUG subject ranking
Show Modules (YEAR 1)

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Student reviews

Student Reviewer
20 Mar 21

University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Applied Sciences HNC

Tell us about your overall university experience so far.

I have enjoyed my time at university so far even if nearly all of it has been online, we are give lots of notes to help us understand...

24 Jul 22

University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)

Tell us about your overall university experience so far.

UHI is a fantastic university for distance learning courses. The support that they provide is assuring, teachers are helpful and knowledgeable,...