Open Days

How many open days should you go to?

Open days are the best way to get a feel for whether a university is suited to you. You’ll get to check out the campus, take a look at the classrooms and accommodation, and speak to tutors and current students who can answer your questions about university life.  

James Mould
by James Mould
Last Updated:
10 Oct 2024

That being said, have you been wondering if you’re going to too many or too few open days? Well, our opinion on the matter is... 

There’s no right or wrong answer! 

Your university decision is up to you, and the more you know about unis you’re considering, the better. There are loads of variables to consider, from academics to location, social scene, and distance from home. Attending an open day is a great way to understand how all these things fit together for a particular institution. 

However, if visiting a uni isn’t an option for you, there’s plenty of virtual content and information that you can check out. For example, we have details about unis from all over the country on our website, so it’s easy to find quality information to guide your decision.  

Read more: Find out everything you need to know about open days

Going to open days is useful, but not necessary. If you find out everything you need to know inn one or two open day visits, that’s great. If you’ve been to ten open days but still have questions, you’re totally allowed to go to more open days. It’s all about having the information you need. 

Still wondering about how many open days to go to? Here are some things you can consider... 

Do you know what you’re looking for in a uni? 

It’s important to be sure about what you’re looking for in your overall uni experience. If you’re unsure or still deciding, then it’s a good idea to attend a variety of open days at unis with different features to better understand what feels right for you.  

How many unis are you going to apply to? 

The maximum number of universities which you can apply to is five. Ideally, you’ll want to check out each campus before including it in your selection, just to be sure that it’s somewhere that you’ll want to live for three years. You may also find that your order of preference changes after visiting each location.  

Are there any unis near you with upcoming open days? 

If you live near a university, then it can be worth checking out its open day, even if you aren't planning to apply there. You’ll get a taste of campus culture and can learn some useful tips about university life from speaking with current students. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Are you still looking for an actual number of open days? Roll a dice and book that many, and then if you think you need to see more, roll the dice again. Keep doing that until you feel like you've seen enough and can start to make some choices.

So, get to it! The earlier you start to look, the best chance you’ll have to book open days that work for you.

Check out what events are coming up and book an open day now

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