Open Days

11 thoughts everyone has on open days

Worried about going on an open day? We've all been there and thought the same thing..

Eleni Cashell
by Eleni Cashell
Last Updated:
17 Oct 2024

While university open days can be daunting, it’s important to remember that the other students there are experiencing the same thing as you. In fact, it’s likely that you’re all thinking very similar things to each other! We’ve put together a list below of things all students think on open days, so if one of these pops up in your head on the day, don’t panic, we’ve all been there. 

Where am I?

When you first arrive at a university’s campus, you’ll worry about whether you’re in the right part of the UK, let alone if you’re on the right campus. This is especially the case if you’re visiting a uni that’s far away from home. 

Luckily, you’ll be surrounded by students from the uni who will be more than happy to help you. They were all in your shoes once, so they know how you’re feeling.  

Should I be taking notes?

You’ll probably be told quite a lot of information on an open day, and it’s ok not to remember it all. Honestly, nobody is expecting you to be able to commit everything you see to memory, so don’t worry about a few things slipping your mind. 

If you want to remember as much as possible, taking a small notebook can come in handy, even if it’s just to remember essential information like course modules or building names.

What was that lecturer on about?

If you’re having trouble following what you’re being told about the module content, remember that you’re not an undergraduate yet. You’re not actually meant to know it yet – in fact, that’s why you’ll be going to uni! 

Should I keep in touch with other people here?

If you’re on an open day where you stick with a group, you’ll automatically be hanging out with people who are at least interested in attending the same uni as you.  

If you strike a bond with someone on your open day there’s no harm swapping numbers or Instagram accounts on top of finding out their names and what they want to study. If you end up going to the same uni, you’ll have a friendly face to look out for during Freshers Week. 

How will I ever find my way around this place?

A uni campus might feel huge on an open day, but remember that you likely felt like your school was huge the first time you set foot in it. Nowadays you could probably find your way to all your classes blindfolded, and soon enough, that’ll be the same for your future uni campus. 

Why isn’t that in the prospectus?

Prospectuses are a great way of showing you what to expect from the campus, teaching and general student life. However, there are some things they won’t show you, such as procrastinating students in the library, rainy days and sleeping students at the back of lecture halls. Expect to see sides of the university you didn’t read in the books. 

Will the accommodation always be this clean?

If you’re lucky enough to get a tour of student accommodation, you’ll probably notice how clean everything is, and how there’s not a dirty plate in site. While this is wonderful, keep in mind that they likely won’t always be as clean as this – for obvious reasons. 

Should I be asking questions?

It’s ok not to have questions ready for open days, or to feel a bit shy, as chances are there will be other students who’ll be asking questions that you’ll find helpful. However, if you do have a few questions, go ahead and ask them – that’s what open days are here for. 

If you really don’t fancy asking your question in public, that’s totally fine too, as you can email them to the uni afterwards. 

Read more: Find out everything you need to know about open days

I wish I was here alone

Taking your parents with you? Don’t be surprised as they ask lots of questions, repeat what you’re learning back at you in case you missed it and generally show off how proud they are of you in all the most embarrassing ways possible. 

I’m so glad I didn’t come here alone

That being said, if things get overwhelming, if you get lost on the way or you want a second opinion about something you saw on campus, you’re going to be so glad you took someone with you. 

Is this the right place for me?

This is the most important question you’ll ask on an open day. It’s also a question that you’ll either know instantly within minutes of being there or will spend the next few days deliberating. 

Remember, you can go on as many open days as you like. Try to see a good selection of universities, as this will help you to know what’s available. 

Want to know what open days are coming up? Use our handy Open Days Calendar and book your place now!

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